Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I haven't posted in a few months because I haven't really had anything going on. Well, I've got some "update" worthy things going on in my life right now so I figured I'd start this back up again.

I just got a "full time" job at Marsha Brown's in New Hope. They're starting me off as a busser but in a month or so I'll be running trays. Apparently I'll be making over 70 bucks a night in tips so I'm pretty excited to get started. Tired of being broke.

I logged my first hour flying an airplane last week.

I start Bucks again on the 26th except this time I'll be full time. It's going to be weird but I'm confident I'll do alright. Kinda.

I'm out of things to update about already.

Friday, June 19, 2009

2 hours, 2 months

I'm officially going back to school starting this summer.

I think I might have a new job(s).

I've got work in 2 hours.

My tattoo itches.

I need a nap.

The past couple days have been awesome and terrible at the same time.


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Blog are dumb

In my last post, I talked about how much I like my current job. I lied. It sucks and I'm still broke.

Let's play music.